报告题目:Global dynamics of a Lotka–Volterra competition patch model
时 间:6月26日上午10:40
腾讯会议ID:790 1862 7942 密码: 123456
摘 要:The global dynamics of the two-species Lotka–Volterra competition patch model with asymmetric dispersal is classified under the assumptions that the competition is weak and the weighted digraph of the connection matrix is strongly connected and cycle-balanced. We show that in the long time, either the competition exclusion holds that one species becomes extinct, or the two species reach a coexistence equilibrium, and the outcome of the competition is determined by the strength of the inter-specific competition and the dispersal rates. Our main techniques in the proofs follow the theory of monotone dynamical systems and a graph-theoretic approach based on the tree-cycle identity. This is a joint work with Shanshan Chen, Zhisheng Shuai and Yixiang Wu.
史峻平,美国威廉玛丽学院(College of William & Mary)数学系主任, 教授。1990-93年南开大学学习,于1998年在美国杨百翰大学获得博士学位。主要研究方向为偏微分方程,动力系统,分歧理论,非线性泛函分析,生物数学。在偏微分方程,分歧理论方面的研究工作受到国际上广泛重视。另外在生物数学方向包括种群模型,生物化学反应,形态生成,生态系统稳定性等方面都有研究。已在国际数学杂志包括JFA、JMB、TAMS、AIHP、CVPDE、PRSE、JDDE、JDE等发表学术论文140余篇。已发表论文完全他引次数超过2800余次。曾任哈尔滨师范大学龙江学者讲座教授,山西大学百人计划讲座教授,主持参加美国国家科学基金会基金项目多项,主持组织国际学术会议20多次,在国际学术会议做大会报告/邀请报告100余次。担任多个国际知名SCI刊物编委,为80多种数学、物理、生物刊物审稿人。发表学术论文160余篇,其中被SCI收录140余篇,被SCI杂志引用3000余次(它引2700余次)。